About Us

SexInfo Online is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing our readers with comprehensive information about human sex and sexuality— health, identity, and relationships. Our website, a digital archive containing hundreds of articles, is maintained by a team of student writers, editors, and webmasters from the University of California, Santa Barbara who have studied and are passionate about human sexuality.

After nearly a decade co-teaching the esteemed “Sociology of Human Sexuality” course at UCSB, Professors John and Janice Baldwin decided it was time to address young people’s need for reliable, compassionate, and accessible information about sex. In 2001, the Baldwins began working with a group of students who shared their vision for expanding the human sexuality conversation. From this collaboration, Sex Info Online was born.

Our Mission:

  • To combat silence, stigma, and misinformation by providing accessible and comprehensive information on all topics related to human sexuality. 
  • To always publish content based on the latest science and research from reliable sources. 
  • To communicate in a manner that is fair, equal, and sensitive so that readers of any age and background have access to safe, respectful, and inclusive information. 

Today, Sex Info remains a student-maintained organization under the advisory of the Baldwins. Sex Info has published hundreds of articles on the human sexual experience across a wide variety of disciplines: history, biology, psychology, and sociology to name a few. From our Topics page, explore our library of articles which are always updated with new research, fresh developments, and greater inclusivity.

The site’s most valuable asset is our anonymous and confidential Ask The Sexperts feature where we receive submissions from people of all ages from over 200 countries. Each submission is carefully considered by the Sexperts and receives a researched and thoughtful response. Nothing is off limits. Through this feature, we offer a resource that is fully informative and nonjudgmental. You can ask us anything.

We are constantly striving to develop empathy, across geographies, genders, ages, sexes, and backgrounds. Sex Info Online is dynamic and contiuously improving. Any inaccuracies on our site are purely accidental, but if you come across one, please let us know through our Ask The Sexperts feature.  

Welcome to Sex Info Online.