
A labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that involves reducing the length of the labia. The labia minora is often the focus of a labiaplasty, while the labia majora can also be surgically reconstructed. The procedure is minimally invasive, which is why labiaplasties have been increasing in popularity. One of the goals of the procedure is…

Parkinson’s Disease and Sexual Dysfunction

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder and the most common motor related disorder worldwide.1-3 PD belongs to a group of motor-related conditions known as Parkinsonism4 and is characterized by a loss of dopamine producing nerve cells called dopaminergenic neurons and the development of inclusions known as “Lewy bodies” in the brain.2,4…

Helping A Friend Experiencing Domestic Violence

Learning that a close friend or family member is experiencing violence at the hand of an intimate partner can be troubling and unsettling. If you would like to support your friend and help end the violent relationship, we recommend learning about the resources available to you friend and helping him or her make the best…

A Guide To Kissing

A first kiss can be an exciting and a nerve-wracking experience, but having a partner you trust and are comfortable with can help ease a lot of this anxiety. This guide provides simple tips, tricks, and pointers to kissing that will make all the difference and keep your partner coming back for more. This guide will…


What is menopause? Menopause is the cessation of a woman’s menstruation, a normal and natural transition all women go through as they age. When a woman reaches her early to mid-40s, she may start to notice her period becoming irregular. This is often a sign that her body has started the process of becoming infertile,…


What is Pansexuality? Pansexuality is a sexual orientation describing a person who is attracted to all types of people, regardless of their sex or gender.1 The term “pansexuality,” sometimes referred to as omnisexuality, has its roots in the Greek prefix pan-, meaning “all” or “every” coming together as one.2 When combined with the suffix, –sexual, describing one’s…

The Pros and Cons of a Hickey

What is a Hickey? A hickey is essentially a bruise caused by aggressively kissing or sucking another person’s flesh.1 The aggressive kissing or sucking leads to the rupture of blood vessels, particularly the capillaries, which are located directly beneath the surface of the skin. This rupture of blood vessels causes blood to leak out into the…

The Origin of Syphilis

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that can damage the heart, brain, eyes and bones and can even cause death if left untreated. If caught early, syphilis may be cured with antibiotics. A single dose of penicillin is usually an effective treatment for early-stage syphilis, and three doses of penicillin is usually effective for late-stage…

Encouraging Orgasms: The Mangaian People’s Sexual Education

The orgasm is widely viewed as the ultimate goal of recreational sex, so why is it so hard to achieve for so many people? Though the road of discovery toward the orgasm can be a complicated and frustrating journey, it can also be one filled with sexual self-discovery. Additionally, if the orgasm is thought of as the ultimate…