Paternity Tests

Questions surrounding paternity during pregnancy are common, and knowing the answer to who a child’s biological parents are is important for that child’s future. Throughout time, there has been a significant issue regarding a child’s paternity; maternity is easy to determine, as a woman who gives birth to a child knows it is her’s. However,…

Breast Pumps

While there are many ways to provide food for a baby, breast pumping is a great way to generate breast milk on an individual’s own schedule. Breast pumps can be very helpful because they allow for people to pump breast milk at their convenience and then feed it to their child at a later time….

Breastfeeding and the Workplace

In the United States, the number of working women increases yearly. As the number of working mothers increases, so does concern over how employers can best support them. After a certain point, most working parents must decide whether to continue breastfeeding or begin using formula. Well-respected institutions, health care professionals, and public health officials have begun to strongly…

Breastfeeding: Benefits and Disadvantages

Lactation, or milk production in the breasts, begins about one to three days after a woman gives birth. Pituitary hormones stimulate milk production in response to the stimulation of the infants suckling the nipples.1 At this time, based on personal preference, you can decide whether you would like to feed your newborn with breast milk…

Sex and Intimacy After Childbirth

Intimacy is vital to many relationships, after having a baby, many parents wonder when they can engage in sexual activity again. If you are unsure about whether or not it is safe to resume sexual activity, you can ask your doctor. In addition to medical advice, make sure to communicate with your partner to ensure…

Infant Safe Haven Laws

Many women who become pregnant unintentionally find it very difficult to decide what to do next. There are a few choices of how they can proceed, such as abortion, adoption, and motherhood. However, what happens if a woman gives birth to a baby and then realizes that they are unable to properly care for the…

Breastfeeding Tips

Overview Breastfeeding can truly be a joyous and beautiful time for mothers to bond with their baby. Unfortunately, some women find breastfeeding to be more difficult than it looks. Rest assured that this is completely normal. Breastfeeding is a delicate process that needs to be practiced, learned and often adjusted. To make breastfeeding a pleasant…