My Friend is Pregnant

Disclaimer: We acknowledge that not all pregnant people will remain the parent of their child and that not all parents may have biologically given birth to their child. In this article, we use the term “parent” for the sake of inclusivity and consistency. Finding out that your friend is pregnant can cause a variety of…

Postpartum Depression

Nearly 80% of new mothers experience what is referred to as the “baby blues.”1 The baby blues appear a few days to a week after giving birth, and may manifest as moodiness, irritability, insomnia (problems falling and/or staying asleep), anxiety, or tearfulness.1, 2 Following childbirth, the body goes through significant changes, including a drop in…

Pregnancy by Trimester

Disclaimer: We acknowledge that not all pregnant females will remain the mother of the child and that not all mothers may have biologically given birth to their child. In this article, we use the term “mother” for the sake of simplicity and consistency. Overview Pregnancy lasts about forty weeks when counted from the first day of your last normal period. These weeks…

Infant Safe Haven Laws

Many women who become pregnant unintentionally find it very difficult to decide what to do next. There are a few choices of how they can proceed, such as abortion, adoption, and motherhood. However, what happens if a woman gives birth to a baby and then realizes that they are unable to properly care for the…

Breastfeeding Tips

Overview Breastfeeding can truly be a joyous and beautiful time for mothers to bond with their baby. Unfortunately, some women find breastfeeding to be more difficult than it looks. Rest assured that this is completely normal. Breastfeeding is a delicate process that needs to be practiced, learned and often adjusted. To make breastfeeding a pleasant…

Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be an incredible time to nurture and care for your soon-to-be child(ren). From the moment of conception, the fetus absorbs all of its nutrients through the placenta. Nutrients and substances that are absorbed in the female’s body also make their way into the fetus as well. This article outlines some tips to keep in mind to maintain…

Teen Pregnancy Options

Pregnancy can be a very exciting time for first-time parents. However, unintended pregnancy can come as a shock and bring about difficult decisions for both first-time and experienced parents alike. Getting pregnant as a teenager, during the ages of 13 to 19, can be an especially difficult experience. Not only are teens young and likely…

Pregnancy Tests

Pregnancy is a significant event for many people, whether the news of expectancy warrants excitement or worry. In any case, pregnancies are life changing for the parents. Therefore, it is important to obtain accurate pregnancy test results as soon as possible. Common signs of pregnancy include missed periods, fatigue, nausea, morning sickness, frequent urination, acid…


Childbirth is the final stage of pregnancy, in which the mother gives birth to her baby or babies. Many consider childbirth a trying yet joyous time for the families and loved ones of the baby, the mother, the father, and all other people involved. Each childbirth is a unique experience that changes depending on a…