Retrograde Ejaculation

What is Retrograde Ejaculation? Retrograde ejaculation is the reverse entry of semen into the bladder instead of being expelled through the penis during male sexual climax and ejaculation. This condition is relatively uncommon and may occur either partially or completely, which means that a male might reach sexual climax but may ejaculate very little or no semen…

Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) is the number one sexual difficulty that affects males. In fact, about 1 in 3 males ages 18-59 in the United States have problems with premature ejaculation.1 This issue can be the source of stress, anxiety, and relationship conflict for many males and their partners. However, there are effective strategies available to alleviate…

Female Orgasmic Difficulty

Many females have difficulty reaching orgasm; some females may have never even experienced an orgasm before. The ability to reach orgasm is often a learned skill and may come with time and practice. Experiencing female orgasmic difficulty at any life stage does not mean that a female cannot have a satisfying sex life. There are multiple…

Low Sexual Desire

What Is Low Sexual Desire? Low sexual desire (LSD), characterized as the absence of sexual fantasies and thoughts and/or desire or receptivity to, sexual activity, is the most common sexual problem reported by females.1 Although this problem is not sexually dimorphic (affecting only one sex), the prevalence of LSD is much higher in females than…

Insufficient Lubrication

When a female is sexually aroused, the vagina undergoes several physical changes to prepare the female’s body for sexual intercourse. One of the most noticeable changes is an increase in vaginal secretions. The purpose of these secretions is to lubricate the vaginal canal and vaginal opening which makes penetration easier by decreasing friction and thereby…

Painful Intercourse

Pain or discomfort during intercourse is quite common among females and some males.  About 60% of females experience painful intercourse at least once during their lifetime. Painful intercourse can also affect males; however, it is not as common. Dyspareunia it is defined as chronic pain in the genital area either during or shortly after intercourse.1…