
Sexuality exists on a continuum, and not within a dichotomy of heterosexual and homosexual. Thus, there are many different types of sexual orientation. Sexual orientation describes a person’s preferences for whom they find emotionally, romantically, and sexually attractive. One type of sexual orientation is asexuality, or the lack of sexual attraction to individuals of any gender. For example, someone might…


Transgender people are those whose gender identities do not match the conventional gender associated with their sex assigned at birth.1 They face unique challenges including gender dysphoria, discrimination, and a lack of authetic representation in the media. This article details transgender-related concepts such as trans terminology, gender, the transition process, trans issues in politics, and…

Allyship to the LGBTQ+ Community

Practicing allyship involves being supportive of or willing to help people within the LGBTQ+ community by recognizing the injustices that LGBTQ+ people face and taking tangible actions to help rectify them. The LGBTQ+ community can include individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer. Someone who practices allyship may or may not identify…