Female Masturbation

Masturbation is the self-stimulation of the genitals with a hand, sex toy, vibrator, or other object for sexual pleasure. Masturbation can be done alone (solo masturbation) or at the same time as a partner (mutual masturbation). There are many methods of masturbating, as well as methods of arousal while masturbating. Some individuals enjoy fantasizing while…

The Clitoris

The clitoris is a female sexual organ located at the top part of the vulva, or external female genitalia. The clitoris is an erogenous, highly sensitive zone that contains more nerve endings than any other body part. During sexual arousal, the clitoris becomes larger and firmer due to erection. Although stimulation of the clitoris is…

Overview of the Reproductive System: People with Vaginas

Note: This article was previously titled ‘An Overview of the Female Reproductive System.’ We have changed the language from ‘female’ to ‘people with vaginas’ in the title and throughout the article to be more inclusive, as not all people who identify as women or female have vaginas and not all people with vaginas identify as…

Oral Sex

Oral sex is a type of sexual activity involving the use of the mouth, lips, and tongue to stimulate the vulva, penis, or anus of one’s partner.1 Some people do not enjoy oral sex at all, while others prefer it over any other sexual behavior. Despite its opponents, this sexual activity has become increasingly popular…

Penile – Vaginal Sex

Sexual intercourse refers to the penetrative sexual act in which a male’s penis enters a female’s vagina. Sexual intercourse can also be called coitus, copulation, penile/vaginal sex, or P/V sex. Sexual intercourse can only occur if both partners have clearly consented to the act. If penetration occurs with a non-consenting person, it is called rape….

Female Orgasmic Difficulty

Many females have difficulty reaching orgasm; some females may have never even experienced an orgasm before. The ability to reach orgasm is often a learned skill and may come with time and practice. Experiencing female orgasmic difficulty at any life stage does not mean that a female cannot have a satisfying sex life. There are multiple…