
The National Eating Disorders Association defines pica as “the recurrent eating of non-food substances that offer no nutritional value and are not part of a culturally sanctioned practice”.1 To be considered a disorder, this behavior must take place over at least one month.2 Some of these substances may include cloth, hair, wool, starch, soil, string,…

Gender Binary

The gender binary is a system that pairs together sex (which is based on an individual’s reproductive anatomy) and gender (which refers to the socially constructed ideas and expectations that a culture has for certain sex). More specifically, it classifies two distinguishable, distinct, and oftentimes contrasting genders: males who identify as men and females who…

Meeting the Family

​If you are in a romantic relationship, eventually the time may come to meet your partner’s family.  This can be an important step in a relationship, because family is often a very influential part of someone’s life.  Meeting your partner’s family can create an essential connection between two important pieces of their life: their family…

When to Lose Your Virginity

Defining “Losing Your Virginity” What exactly does “losing your virginity” mean? Virginity can be defined in different ways according to your sexual orientation, beliefs, and culture.  Losing your virginity is often described as engaging in penetrative sex, including anal sex, for the first time. The definition can also be expanded to include oral sex and manual stimulation. Oftentimes, when sexual intercourse and virginity…

Female Infertility in America

Disclaimer: This article focuses on the social and psychological aspects of infertility in America. For information regarding the biological aspects of female infertility click here. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 10% or 6.1 million women in the United States struggle with infertility, which is understood as the inability to conceive or…

Encouraging Orgasms: The Mangaian People’s Sexual Education

The orgasm is widely viewed as the ultimate goal of recreational sex, so why is it so hard to achieve for so many people? Though the road of discovery toward the orgasm can be a complicated and frustrating journey, it can also be one filled with sexual self-discovery. Additionally, if the orgasm is thought of as the ultimate…

Male Circumcision

Male circumcision refers to the removal of the foreskin which surrounds the glans of the penis. This medical procedure—often considered to be the oldest documented surgical procedure—is mostly performed on infants, but it is not uncommon for adults to undergo circumcision as well.1 While it most likely began as a religious practice, circumcision is the…

Tantric Sexuality

Tantric traditions, which emerged around the 5th century CE, were born from Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain religious frameworks. Tantra encompasses a wide variety of practices which are united by their common sacred texts, the Tantras. Although it is difficult to pinpoint one comprehensive Tantric theme, Tantrism is often understood as a spiritual quest for salvation…

Tips for Educators on Avoiding Teen Pregnancy

Teens and young adults often face many problems as they develop into sexually mature adults. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists teen pregnancy prevention as one of its top seven priorities.1 In 2015, the CDC reported a female adolescent fertility rate of 21.2 births per 1000 females ages 15-19 in the United…