Sex Myth Busters

Sex education often extends far beyond the classroom. People learn about sex from word of mouth, friends, family, and the media. This informal sex education process spreads information based on individual experience, local folklore, cultural values, or traditional customs, often resulting in the exchange of unreliable, inconsistent information. Popular Myths and Folklore Sex myths that…

Sex and Alcohol

Alcohol consumption is pervasive throughout almost all of human history, across many different cultures spread around the world. It’s no surprise that people have explored sexual intercourse while under the influence of alcohol. This article describes some of the key issues related to engaging in sex while under the influence. Consent Alcohol is a legal…

What To Do If Your Friend Or Loved One Has Been Sexually Assaulted

Disclaimer: We acknowledge that there are many different words that individuals use to describe themselves after experiencing sexual assault, and in this article, we only use the term “survivor” for the sake of consistency. We acknowledge that there are many different ways of processing sexual violence, and we believe each individual should be able to…

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

Overview Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) is a term used to describe a wide range of effects and symptoms in children caused by prenatal alcohol exposure. Each year, over 40,000 infants are diagnosed with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) was the first form of FASD discovered and also the most well-known. FAS…