Hormonal Contraceptive Methods

Hormones are chemical messengers found in the body. In the reproductive systems of people with vulvas, they regulate everything from libido to the menstrual cycle. In addition, synthetic hormones can be administered to people with vulvas who have natural hormonal imbalances, though they are primarily used as a form of contraception, or birth control.1 Hormones…

The Ovaries and the Ovum

The ovaries are the female gonads, or sex glands. These glands carry out two important functions: ovulation, and the production and secretion of sex hormones. Ovulation is the process of releasing an ovum, or egg, to prepare a female for possible implantation and consequent impregnation. Sex hormones regulate the process which dictates ovulation, known as…

Fertility Awareness

Basal Body Temperature What Is It? The Basal Body Temperature Method, also known as the “Sympto-Thermal Method” is a complicated (but natural) method of contraception that is based on both the cervical secretions and body temperature of the female. Like all other natural methods of contraception, besides withdrawal, it requires the user to abstain from…

Biological Steps to Becoming Pregnant

There are many steps that must occur for a female to become pregnant. Understanding the process of how pregnancy occurs can be beneficial both for those who are trying to become pregnant, and those who wish to avoid pregnancy. For those that wish to avoid pregnancy, we highly recommend using both a barrier method of…