
Classical scabies is a parasitic infection that is caused by the presence of mites on the skin. The microscopic human itch mites burrow shallow tunnels into the upper layer of the skin.1 The human itch mite is an eight-legged bug that is less that 1mm large, and is nearly impossible to view without a microscope.3 The mites…

Pubic Lice

Trigger warning: This article includes graphic and highly detailed photos of pubic lice infestations that some people may find upsetting. If you wish to proceed, do so with caution of the explicit imagery. Pubic lice, often referred to as “crabs” due to their claw-like front legs, are small parasitic insects.3 Also known as “Phthirus pubis”…

Genital Folliculitis

Folliculitis occurs when hair follicles become damaged, infected, and inflamed.1 Genital folliculitis, or vaginal folliculitis, is a form of folliculitis that occurs in the female genital area.2 Although the infection is not contagious, the close proximity of hair follicles in that region can allow for the infection to spread.2 This infection can cause the inflamed…