
Polyamory (“poly” meaning many, and “amory” meaning “love” or “lovers”) is the practice of being open to multiple sexual or emotional relationships at once. There is a common misconception that polyamory is mainly about promiscuity.1 However, many polyamorous people engage in long-term relationships with multiple partners in which they are emotionally invested.2 Polyamory not cheating,…

Cheating and Jealousy

Jealousy is defined as an unpleasant emotion that arises when another person encroaches on something someone feels is their own, and can be particularly frustrating and difficult to talk about. While it is generally associated with romantically involved partnerships, jealousy can spring up in any type of relationship and cause conflict and emotional distress. If…

Love and Attachment

Love and attachment often go hand in hand, but they are different nonetheless. There are many different theories that attempt to understand and explain what humans know as love. Attachment is defined as the feeling of being emotionally close to someone and is often a major component of love. There are both healthy and unhealthy…