The Legalities Shaping Same-Sex Marriage

The issue of marriage has long been debated. For centuries, religion and tradition have been at the center of the debate. On one side, there is the view that assumes marriage should be between one man and one woman. In contrast, the opposing view is that marriage should be legally allowed between same-sex couples of…

The Tearoom Trade

In 1970, sociologist and ordained Episcopalian minister Laud Humphreys published his book The Tearoom Trade: Impersonal Sex in Public Places, one of the most famous and controversial studies in sexology. By assuming the role of a “look-out,” Humphreys gained the male subjects’ trust, which enabled him to observe complete strangers engaging in brief, impersonal sexual…

Allyship to the LGBTQ+ Community

Practicing allyship involves being supportive of or willing to help people within the LGBTQ+ community by recognizing the injustices that LGBTQ+ people face and taking tangible actions to help rectify them. The LGBTQ+ community can include individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer. Someone who practices allyship may or may not identify…