Building Trust

Trust can be defined as relying on the integrity, word, and promise of another individual.1 Most people would agree that trust is a vital part of a relationship. Those in romantic relationships may have noticed that trust does not always come naturally in relationships and often takes a lot of work to develop. A person must…

Queefing Demystified

Most people have probably heard about or experienced the fart-like noise that can occur while having sex, commonly known as a “queef,” “vart,” “pussy fart,” or “fanny fart,” among other names. These names can be, and often are, very misleading. A queef is simply an expulsion of air from the vagina. It is usually odorless because…


Chancroid is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi.1 It attacks the tissue and produces ulcers or open sores on or near the genitals (i.e., the penis/testes, labia).1 Although chancroid is highly contagious, it is curable.1  While once prevalent across the globe, recent efforts to improve diagnosis and treatment, along with…