How to Increase the Chances of Pregnancy

Some couples are able to get pregnant effortlessly, while others experience varying degrees of difficulty. Many couples who are trying to conceive are anxious to do so. Although having intercourse within the “fertile window” is one of the best known ways to increase the probability of fertilization, there are several other ways that couples can…

Birth Control Pill Overview

Birth control pills are one of the most effective contraceptive methods for preventing pregnancy. Commonly referred to as “The Pill,” this type of birth control comes in a variety of forms and can be taken in a variety of different ways depending on the method that works best for the individual. There are two main types of…

Fertility Awareness

Basal Body Temperature What Is It? The Basal Body Temperature Method, also known as the “Sympto-Thermal Method” is a complicated (but natural) method of contraception that is based on both the cervical secretions and body temperature of the female. Like all other natural methods of contraception, besides withdrawal, it requires the user to abstain from…

Biological Steps to Becoming Pregnant

There are many steps that must occur for a female to become pregnant. Understanding the process of how pregnancy occurs can be beneficial both for those who are trying to become pregnant, and those who wish to avoid pregnancy. For those that wish to avoid pregnancy, we highly recommend using both a barrier method of…