
What is Vaginismus? Vaginismus is medically defined as involuntary spasms of the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles, the muscles which surround the vaginal canal. Vaginismus is a physical disorder that can stem from psychological or physiological factors. On average, one in every 500 women will experience vaginismus. However, the true number of females with vaginismus is estimated to be higher because many females never report their…


Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by Chlamydia trachomatis (shown above) , a bacterium that infects and parasitically lives within human cells, sometimes leading to several other disease states in both males and females.1 Chlamydia is the most frequently reported sexually transmitted bacterial infection in the United States, infecting approximately 2.86 million new…

Insufficient Lubrication

When a female is sexually aroused, the vagina undergoes several physical changes to prepare the female’s body for sexual intercourse. One of the most noticeable changes is an increase in vaginal secretions. The purpose of these secretions is to lubricate the vaginal canal and vaginal opening which makes penetration easier by decreasing friction and thereby…

Painful Intercourse

Pain or discomfort during intercourse is quite common among females and some males.  About 60% of females experience painful intercourse at least once during their lifetime. Painful intercourse can also affect males; however, it is not as common. Dyspareunia it is defined as chronic pain in the genital area either during or shortly after intercourse.1…