Staying in Love

Falling in love is a natural human phenomenon. People do not typically have to actively exert conscious effort to become attracted to someone and fall in love with them. Thanks to our biology, we are pre-programmed to desire close-knit relationships. For most people, this desire is fulfilled by forming intimate relationships with other human beings….

Looking Past Body Image To Enjoy Your Sex Life

The term “body image” refers to the subjective mental picture you have of your physical appearance. This can pertain to small details about yourself such as your hair, weight, or complexion, or it could be regarding more intimate details such as your physique or genitalia—your external reproductive organs, usually male or female. Your thoughts about…

Psychological Issues Related to Herpes

Learning that one is diagnosed with Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), either oral or genital, can be a very emotional experience. A person may experience a variety of emotions, ranging from disbelief to anger, due to the stereotypes that surround sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and the incurable nature of this specific disease.1 Genital herpes is a common…


A relationship breakup, or commonly referred to as a breakup, is the termination of an intimate relationship by any means other than death.4 The term ‘breakup’ is often associated with unmarried couples. When a married couple ‘break ups’ it is often referred to as a divorce or separation. Regardless of the circumstance, this article is…

How to Ask Your Partner to Get Tested

Asking a partner to be tested for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) can be a difficult conversation to have. It is a sensitive subject for most and may result in hurt feelings or other emotions. Some may take the request the wrong way and assume their partner believes they are dirty or sleep around. However, if a…

Sex and Ecstasy

There are many reasons why one might seek out illegal drugs. For many people, taking illegal drugs is a method of escaping reality; of seeing, feeling, and thinking differently; and of exploring the world they know from an altered perspective. Some take drugs for the purpose of fitting into social settings, some to cope with…

Negotiating Safer Sex

Sexual activity can be a fun and connecting experience for partners. However, oral, vaginal, and anal sex are behaviors that do come with risks. The most effective away to avoid the risks of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or having an unplanned pregnancy is to use contraceptives. Despite their proven effectiveness, contraceptives are not always a priority for individuals engaging in sexual…


Fantasies are thoughts, images, daydreams or scenarios that often lead to an increased sexual arousal.1 Fantasies are completely normal, and they are nothing to be ashamed of. These imagined situations enable an individual to rehearse different sexual scenarios in a nonthreatening setting. The content of fantasies vary from person to person; they can range from…

A Partner’s Guide to Pregnancy

            As a partner, it may sometimes feel like you are only spectating your partner’s pregnancy from the sidelines. However, a partner’s involvement during pregnancy facilitates the bond you will share with the baby, plus it builds the foundation for your new or expanding family. Making a point to show…