When Pornography Becomes a Problem

Watching pornography is a generally an acceptable and positive way for a person to express their sexuality. However, it can also cause a person distress if they feel they are watching it too often or feel they are losing control of their habit. How Much Is Too Much? There is no “normal” amount of pornography to consume….

Online Dating

Online dating is a powerful resource for meeting potential partners. While conventional dating methods are still practiced, online dating offers a convenient, safe, alternative approach to meeting new people. Some people do not choose online dating because they meet new people in their everyday lives, while others appreciate the safety and confidence provided when initial…

Survival Guide for Young Women in College

For many young adults, college can be a shocking and drastic transition from high school. College students must navigate a host of changes in their lives, such as challenging classes, living free of parental supervision, and meeting new people. The college dating scene is another area of life that is completely new for incoming students….

How to Ask Your Partner to Get Tested

Asking a partner to be tested for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) can be a difficult conversation to have. It is a sensitive subject for most and may result in hurt feelings or other emotions. Some may take the request the wrong way and assume their partner believes they are dirty or sleep around. However, if a…

Late-Term Abortions

Disclaimer: Throughout this article, we will be using the term “women” to refer to individuals who are pregnant. We understand that sex and gender are two different things, and just because a person is biologically a female does not necessarily mean they identify as a women. However, for the sake of simplicity and consistency, we use that term. If…

Negotiating Safer Sex

Sexual activity can be a fun and connecting experience for partners. However, oral, vaginal, and anal sex are behaviors that do come with risks. The most effective away to avoid the risks of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or having an unplanned pregnancy is to use contraceptives. Despite their proven effectiveness, contraceptives are not always a priority for individuals engaging in sexual…

Megan’s Law

In 1994, 7-year-old Megan Kanka was raped and murdered by her 33-year-old neighbor Jesse Timmendequas in Mercer County, New Jersey. The incident attracted national attention and resulted in the introduction of “Megan’s Law”, which was imposed federally in 1996 by the United States Department of Justice. The requirements of Megan’s Law varies from state to…