Male Ejaculation

Ejaculation is the discharge of semen during a male orgasm. While other reasons for ejaculation may occur, it usually occurs in the final stage of orgasm for a male. Ejaculation generally occurs in spurts directly after the male feels the initial sensation of an orgasm. Once the male has ejaculated, the head of the penis…

Pre-cum (Cowper’s Secretions)

Pre-cum, otherwise known as pre-ejaculatory fluid, is a clear, sticky fluid secreted by the penis during sexual arousal. Pre-cum is different from semen, as it is produced by the Cowper’s glands, and while pre-cum rarely carries sperm, it is usually not enough to cause pregnancy. Pre-cum is capable of transmitting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like…

Sex Myth Busters

Sex education often extends far beyond the classroom. People learn about sex from word of mouth, friends, family, and the media. This informal sex education process spreads information based on individual experience, local folklore, cultural values, or traditional customs, often resulting in the exchange of unreliable, inconsistent information. Popular Myths and Folklore Sex myths that…

Male Infertility

Disclaimer Note: While both males and females can be infertile, this article focuses on male infertility, it’s most common causes and treatments. For information on female infertility click here. Infertility is when a male and female partner cannot successfully conceive a child after a year of frequent, unprotected intercourse. Male and female infertility are each responsible…

How to Increase the Chances of Pregnancy

Some couples are able to get pregnant effortlessly, while others experience varying degrees of difficulty. Many couples who are trying to conceive are anxious to do so. Although having intercourse within the “fertile window” is one of the best known ways to increase the probability of fertilization, there are several other ways that couples can…


Sperm are the male reproductive cells found in semen. When mature and motile, they are referred to as spermatozoa (singular: spermatozoon). In humans, sperm cells ideally contain 23 chromosomes (half of a human’s genetic material) and may combine with the 23 chromosomes contained in a female’s ovum during fertilization to form a new human being.1 A…

Aging and the Sexual Response Cycle

Many individuals wonder what will happen to their sex lives as they get older. Will they still be interested in having sex? Will sex continue to be as pleasurable as it was when they were younger?  How does the body change with regards to sexual function, as it gets older? While there are some changes…

Swallowing Your Partner’s Ejaculate

Swallowing a partner’s ejaculate may be an erotic activity to some; however, others may find this activity unappealing. Choosing to swallow, spit out, or refrain from touching semen are all personal preferences that should be respected. For those who decide not to swallow their partner’s ejaculate, spitting out the ejaculate or withdrawing the penis before…


Spermatogenesis is the production and development of sperm.  This process begins at puberty and continues for the remainder of a male’s life.  The sperm and the egg, which are the male and female gametes, meet during fertilization.  Both gametes are haploid cells; these cells contain 23 unpaired chromosomes, which is half of the human genetic…