A Guide to Alternative Sex Toys

Alternative sex toys are a great tool to use when exploring all the exciting sensations of sex. These toys may not be as mainstream as some other sex toys, but they can be just as pleasurable and fun. Many people who practice kinky sex enjoy using alternative sex toys. Kinky sex includes, but is not…

An Overview of Kinky Sex

“Kink” is loosely defined as anything outside normal sexual activity. What is considered “kinky” or unconventional is often subjective and informed by cultural norms, thus, there is no universal definition of kink. In this article, we will identify kinky sex based on cultural norms in the United States; however, we acknowledge that every individual has…


Exhibitionism, also known as an exhibitionistic disorder, is a paraphilia in which a person derives sexual arousal from the act or fantasy of exposing their genitals to nonconsenting strangers. In the vast majority of cases, the perpetrators of exhibitionist acts are men and the victims are women. However, new research suggests that there are women who also…