Food and sex are often considered two of life’s most pleasurable desires. What could be better? Try mixing the two! Aphrodisiacs are food or drinks that are believed to stimulate sexual desires and libidos (sex desires). Over the years, many myths regarding aphrodisiacs have surfaced. In this article, the sexperts examine what is known to be true about these sexual treats and what may be false. To date, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has not found any food to be an aphrodisiac. The following is a list of refuted myths about aphrodisiacs.
Table of Contents

1. Food Shapes
In ancient times, foods that resembled human genitalia, such as, bananas, celery, asparagus, mandrake, ground rhino horn, oysters, clams and bull testicles were believed to enhance sex drive. However, food shape has not been scientifically proven to effect one’s libido.

2. Love Potions
It was once believed that certain love spells and love potions could cause seduction. However, it has since been proven ineffective Previous methods of seduction consisted of loves spells and love potions. All which were falsely marketed and proved ineffective. 7

3. Yohmbine Tree Bark/ Supplements
The bark of the Yohmbine tree was used in Western Africa to boost general health, sex drive, and athletic performance. Supplements where later made with decreased potency of the Yohmbine tree bark. Chemicals found in the tree bark were believed to help with erectile dysfunction (ED), low sex drive, and depression. However with its functionality is also associated with causing other health factors such as; pain in the genitals, prolonged painful erections, breathing problems, high blood pressure and so on. 4
Foods and Fruits
The following foods are believed to provide some aphrodisiac-like benefits. Please take into consideration any possible food allergies you or your partner may have before consuming any of the foods in this list!

Almonds: Almonds contain important monounsaturated fatty acids that stimulate the brain and lower cholesterol.10

Avocado: Avocados are fruits with high levels of vitamin E, fatty acids and folic acids, which help maintain energy and prevent health risks such ascervical cancer.14
Bananas: Bananas contain enzymes such a bromelain, which stimulates testosterone production. Bananas also have vitamin B and potassium that increase energy levels.14

Cherries: Cherries are filled with “feel good vitamins,” such as vitamin A, C, and E, potassium,magnesium, folate, and iron. Cherries also contain antioxidants, such as melatonin, which promote heart regulation.14
Chili Peppers: Hot peppers contain capsaicin, which can stimulate blood circulation. Increased circulation and blood flow can help maintain a man’s arousal. In women, arousal is accompanied by blood rushing to the nipples, vulva, clitoris and vaginal walls.14

Chocolate: Dark chocolate can cause an elevation in hormones such as dopamine, which increase feelings of happiness and pleasure.10
Clams: Clams are high in zinc, which is essential for male sexual functioning.14
Coffee: Coffee contains caffeine, which increases heart rate and helps with blood flow.14

Honey: Honey contains boron, which helps with the regulation of estrogen and testosterone. It is also a great source of energy.10

Oysters: Oysters contains amino acids that boost the production of sexhormones.14
Pomegranate: Pomegranates are charged with antioxidants that promote blood flow.14
Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin Seeds contain high magnesium, which help increase testosterone levels.14

Strawberry: Strawberries contain high levels of vitamin C, which stimulate blood flow all throughout the body.10
Although the list of foods above may have positive effects on sexual activities, foods as aphrodisiacs have been scientifically disproven.

Implementing Foods During Intimacy

Incorporating foods into your sexual life can be a novel and exciting form of foreplay. It can help stimulate touch, taste, and smell, which add to erotic sensations. The following is a list of suggestions that should be considered before adding food into your sex life:
1. Before trying something new, it is important to practice effective communication to ensure both partners are comfortable. Knowing boundaries and preferences will make the foreplay more enjoyable.
2. Once both parties consent, take time to plan what foods you would like to use.
3. Depending on the food of preference, it may be necessary to plan ahead for a mess. Fruits, like cherries, and pomegranates, can stain. Thus, you might want to use sheets or towels that won’t mind getting dirty.
4. Be prepared. Make sure you have any other things you may need nearby such as condoms, lube, and/or toys (if needed).
5. Be creative and have fun with it. Use this experience as a way to strengthened your relationship through bonding and communicating openly.

6. Make sure to clean up!
The above are several suggestions to add novelty to your relationship. We also encourage other methods that can help you boost your relationships, such as; learning to develop better communication and new sex positions.
1. “Aphrodisiacs: Better Sex or Just Bunk?” WebMD, 20 Jan. 2017.
2. “Aphrodisiac.” Merriam-Webster, 20 Jan. 2017.
3. Berman, Jennifer. “Six Foods For Better Sex.” Health (Time Inc.) 23.5 (2009): 100. Academic Search Complete. Web. 7 Oct. 2012.
4. “Do Yohimbe Supplements Work for ED?” WebMD, 20 Jan. 2017.
5. “Food Foreplay 101: 7 Tips For Using Food In The Bedroom.” Durex, 20 Jan. 2017.
6. Hughes, Howard C. (1999). Sensory Exotica: A World Beyond Human Experience. Cambridge MA: The MIT Press.
7. Lee & Lee, William H. D.Sc, R.Ph. and Lynn Lee & Lee, CN. (1991). Herbal Love Potions. New Cannan, CT: Keats Publishing, Inc.
8. “Libido.” Merriam Webster, 20 Jan. 2017.
9. “Rev Up a Low Libido.” WebMD, 20 Jan. 2017.
10. Rhodes, Phillip. “The Age-Defying, Libido-Lifting, Bone-Toughening, Cancer- Beating, Eyesight-Saving, Heart Strengthening, Fat-Fighting, Decade-By-Decade Nutrition Plan.” Men’s Health (10544836) 21.2 (2008): 136-143. Academic Search Complete. Web. 4 Oct. 2012.
11. Stone, Trevor and Gail Darlington. (2000). Pills, Potions and Poisons: How Drugs Work. Oxford: Oxford University Press Inc.
12. “10 Foods Every Couple Must Bring To Bed.” Men’s Health, 20 Jan. 2017.
13. “15 Everyday Habits to Boost Your Libido.” Health, 20 Jan. 2017.
14. “19 Aphrodisiac Foods Proven to Spark Romance.” Reader’s digest, 20 Jan. 2017.
Last Updated: 7 February 2017.