While there are many ways to provide food for a baby, breast pumping is a great way to generate breast milk on an individual’s own schedule. Breast pumps can be very helpful because they allow for people to pump breast milk at their convenience and then feed it to their child at a later time….
Author: The Sexperts
How to Increase the Chances of Pregnancy
Some couples are able to get pregnant effortlessly, while others experience varying degrees of difficulty. Many couples who are trying to conceive are anxious to do so. Although having intercourse within the “fertile window” is one of the best known ways to increase the probability of fertilization, there are several other ways that couples can…
The Prostate Exam
The prostate—a gland in men—plays an important role in the male reproductive system. It is a small, rubbery gland about the size of a ping-pong ball, located deep inside the groin, between the base of the penis and the rectum. The prostate is not essential for life, but it is important for reproduction. What is…
Erogenous Zones
What Are Erogenous Zones? The word erogenous comes from the Greek word “eros” which means love. Erogenous zones are parts of the body which are highly sensitive and when stimulated, cause arousal. The most common erogenous zones include the breasts (including the nipple and areola), clitoris, anus, the g-spot, and the penis. Other less obvious erogenous zones include the…
A Woman in the College Dating Scene
College is a time for intellectual, social, personal and sexual exploration. Men and women are not only trying to understand who they want to be, but they are attempting to identify the types of people that best coexist with that somewhat abstract image they perceive themselves as. Relationships are crucial learning experiences that can help…
Survival Guide for Young Women in College
For many young adults, college can be a shocking and drastic transition from high school. College students must navigate a host of changes in their lives, such as challenging classes, living free of parental supervision, and meeting new people. The college dating scene is another area of life that is completely new for incoming students….
Sperm are the male reproductive cells found in semen. When mature and motile, they are referred to as spermatozoa (singular: spermatozoon). In humans, sperm cells ideally contain 23 chromosomes (half of a human’s genetic material) and may combine with the 23 chromosomes contained in a female’s ovum during fertilization to form a new human being.1 A…
What is Trachoma? Trachoma is an infection of the eyes caused by a cellular microorganism known as Chlamydia trachomatis. The infection is the world’s leading cause of preventable blindness; according to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are 2.2 million people worldwide suffering from vision problems as a result of chronic trachoma, and 1.2 million…
Same-Gender Sexual Identity Formation
Before coming out, one has to come to terms with their own sexuality. Though it may be difficult to fully comprehend at the time, sexual identity formation almost always occurs in a predictable progression from some sort of awareness of same gender attractions and feelings, to the total incorporation of the new identity into the…