External condoms are a barrier method of contraception used to prevent unwanted pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). An external condom is a thin sheath that is placed over the user’s erect penis before sexual activity. This barrier protects against the spread of STIs by preventing direct contact between the penis and the partner’s skin, mucosa, and genital secretions. The external condom also…
Author: The Sexperts
Hypersexual Desire
History of Hypersexual Desire In the past, females with frequent sexual urges were diagnosed as having nymphomania, whereas males were diagnosed as having satyriasis. The words “nymphomania” and “satyriasis” are no longer considered scientifically accurate and have since been replaced with the more neutral term “hypersexual desire.” Hypersexual desire goes by many names. Sex addiction,…
Overview of Virginity Pledges
Virginity pledges are typically taken by teenagers and young adults who promise to remain abstinent from sexual activity until marriage. Programs promoting virginity pledges began within fundamentalist Christian circles in the United States, but the idea has gained traction in the mainstream, and a number of nonreligious sources (including some public school sex education programs)…
Phone Sex
Phone sex, which consists of describing sexual acts over the phone, might initially seem daunting or uncomfortable. However, phone sex can by a healthy part of a long-distance relationship, or an enjoyable tool for those who would like to spice up their sex life. Since communication is more important than physical contact for phone sex (especially when compared to conventional…
Cervical Cap
The cervical cap or contraceptive cap is a barrier method of birth control. It is a small silicone cup that is inserted into the vagina in order to prevent pregnancy. A suction mechanism allows the cap to sit over the cervix, blocking sperm from entering the uterus and preventing fertilization. For people with vaginas who…
Zoophilia and Bestiality
Zoophilia describes the feelings of sexual arousal or sexual preference for non-human animals. Zoophilia and zoophiles are not to be confused with furries, who are fixated on anthropomorphic or cartoon animals and are rarely sexually motivated in this fixation.7 This form of sexual arousal is considered a paraphilia, or a condition characterized by atypical sexual…
Being Pregnant with Twins
Being Pregnant with Twins In roughly 2% of all pregnancies, two offspring result from a single pregnancy, leading to the birth of twins. There are two types of twins–fraternal and identical–that are formed through separate processes taking place during sexual reproduction. The third type of twins–the semi-identical twins–form when two sperm cells fuse with a single…
Tips for Educators on Avoiding Teen Pregnancy
Teens and young adults often face many problems as they develop into sexually mature adults. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists teen pregnancy prevention as one of its top seven priorities.1 In 2015, the CDC reported a female adolescent fertility rate of 21.2 births per 1000 females ages 15-19 in the United…
Disclaimer: Although this article discusses ways in which victims of stalking can minimize the threat of stalking and how to protect themselves if it occurs, we want to emphasize that stalking is NEVER the victim’s fault. Stalking is rooted in the stalker’s desire for power and control over the victim, and in no way are…