Dating Applications for Men Seeking Men

In the past decade or so, technology has revolutionized the way that men who have sex with men (MSM) can connect and meet with potential partners. This new territory is highly digital, and functions largely on smartphone applications which use the phone’s GPS signal to find other gay and bisexual app users in the surrounding…

Topping and Bottoming: What’s in a label?

Within the gay and bisexual communities, men are commonly labeled based on their preferred penetrative role during intercourse. Three major self-labels exist. “Top” refers to a man who prefers the insertive position during intercourse. “Bottom” refers to a man who prefers the receptive position during intercourse. “Versatile” refers to a man who is willing to…

Same-Gender Sexual Identity Formation

Before coming out, one has to come to terms with their own sexuality. Though it may be difficult to fully comprehend at the time, sexual identity formation  almost always occurs in a predictable progression from some sort of awareness of same gender attractions and feelings, to the total incorporation of the new identity into the…

Situational Homosexuality

Situational homosexuality is a term used to describe individual homosexual behaviors performed outside of a typical homosexual lifestyle. This article discusses situational homosexuality, its origins, and its presence in modern society. Definition and Origin Situational homosexuality, sometimes referred to as pseudo-homosexuality, is sexual behavior that is different from the mannerisms that person normally exhibits. This behavior is…

Finding a Queer Partner

Regardless of one’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or geographical location, dating can be a frustrating, intimidating, and confusing experience. For queer people, the concept of finding a partner can be especially daunting. Fortunately, there is an increasing variety of resources and methods for queer people to navigate finding relationships, casual sex, and friends in their…

The Tearoom Trade

In 1970, sociologist and ordained Episcopalian minister Laud Humphreys published his book The Tearoom Trade: Impersonal Sex in Public Places, one of the most famous and controversial studies in sexology. By assuming the role of a “look-out,” Humphreys gained the male subjects’ trust, which enabled him to observe complete strangers engaging in brief, impersonal sexual…