
What is Vaginoplasty? Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure meant to tighten the female pelvic floor muscles surrounding the vagina. The goal of the procedure is to give a woman better strength or control of these muscles, which can lead to greater satisfaction for both the female and her partner during sexual intercourse. The procedure was…


A labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that involves reducing the length of the labia. The labia minora is often the focus of a labiaplasty, while the labia majora can also be surgically reconstructed. The procedure is minimally invasive, which is why labiaplasties have been increasing in popularity. One of the goals of the procedure is…

Male Circumcision

Male circumcision refers to the removal of the foreskin which surrounds the glans of the penis. This medical procedure—often considered to be the oldest documented surgical procedure—is mostly performed on infants, but it is not uncommon for adults to undergo circumcision as well.1 While it most likely began as a religious practice, circumcision is the…

Breast Augmentation

Breasts are the human mammary glands. They are found on the chest wall and are made up of connective tissue, breast tissue and fat.1 Lobes, which are made up of several lobules, produce milk. Milk ducts connect the lobes to the nipple, which allows for the release of milk. Breasts vary in size, but most…


A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure in which a female’s uterus is removed. In the United States, hysterectomies are very common, with 1 in 3 women undergoing the procedure by age 60.1 It is the second most common surgical procedure in reproductive-aged women.1 Hysterectomy rates vary in other countries, but the United States contains the…


An orchiectomy is a surgical treatment that consists of the removal of one or both testicles (bilateral orchiectomy). The testicles are the male sex organ which produce sperm and testosterone.1 Multiple reasons exist for undergoing an orchiectomy. Contrary to popular belief, removing one testicle does not decrease a male’s sexual drive. A single testicle is sufficient for both fertility and proper…


Mastectomy is the surgical removal of all or some of a patient’s breast tissue, usually performed in order to treat or prevent breast cancer. Mastectomy is not to be confused with lumpectomy, which is the removal of only the cancerous mass from the breast along with a minimal amount of surrounding healthy tissue.1 Mastectomy is…