Prenatal Vitamins

Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet before, during, and after pregnancy is vital to ensure the future wellbeing of your child. It is highly recommended that women who are trying to conceive or who are already pregnant take prenatal vitamins in order to maintain overall health as well as the health of their baby.1 Important Vitamins During Pregnancy There are certain…

Inducing Labor

Labor induction (also referred to as inducing labor) is when uterine contractions are stimulated to begin the process of labor during a vaginal birth. Labor induction is not a new practice. In fact, it dates back to Ancient Greece as Hippocrates, who is considered the Father of Medicine, recorded descriptions of dilating the cervical canal.1…

Anesthesia During Childbirth

Anesthesia During Childbirth Childbirth is often welcomed with excitement and joy, but it can also be associated with heightened nerves and immense pain. The pain is mostly caused by the baby being pushed out of the female’s body. As mothers have been giving birth since the beginning of humankind, there have been countless forms of…

Important Phone Numbers/Resources

SexInfo Online has compiled a list of resources for those in search of assistance, information, and help on various topics including pregnancy, sexual health, and mental health. This article contains resources and phone numbers that can connect you or a loved one with organizations that are knowledgeable ready to help. The list we provide is…


Childfree refers to individuals or couples who do not have children, either by circumstance or by choice. Synonymous terms for childfree may include childless or barren, but these particular words are often believed to be insensitive due the implication that families or singles without children are deficient in some way. We ought to consider childfree…

Male Infertility

Disclaimer Note: While both males and females can be infertile, this article focuses on male infertility, it’s most common causes and treatments. For information on female infertility click here. Infertility is when a male and female partner cannot successfully conceive a child after a year of frequent, unprotected intercourse. Male and female infertility are each responsible…

Female Infertility

Disclaimer note: While both males and females can be infertile, this article focuses on female infertility, its most common causes, and treatments. For information relating to male infertility click here. Overview of Female Infertility Female infertility is defined as the inability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term after 12 months of unprotected intercourse, or…

Female Infertility in America

Disclaimer: This article focuses on the social and psychological aspects of infertility in America. For information regarding the biological aspects of female infertility click here. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 10% or 6.1 million women in the United States struggle with infertility, which is understood as the inability to conceive or…

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a temporary type of diabetes (different from type 1 and type 2) that occurs in pregnant women. Its onset tends to be around the 24th week of pregnancy. Gestational diabetes occurs when pregnant women, specifically those who have never had diabetes before, experience high blood glucose levels during pregnancy. This condition affects…