
Exhibitionism, also known as an exhibitionistic disorder, is a paraphilia in which a person derives sexual arousal from the act or fantasy of exposing their genitals to nonconsenting strangers. In the vast majority of cases, the perpetrators of exhibitionist acts are men and the victims are women. However, new research suggests that there are women who also…


Voyeurism, or voyeuristic disorder, is a paraphilia in which a person derives sexual pleasure from the act or fantasy of watching unsuspecting people while they are undressing, bathing, participating in sexual acts, or engaging in other private activities. Voyeurs are also commonly known as “Peeping Toms” or simply, “peepers.” Males are more likely to engage in voyeuristic behaviors…


Frotteurism, also known as frotteuristic disorder, is defined as a paraphilia in which a person is sexually aroused by the act or fantasy of making unwanted — and often unrecognized — physical contact with others, generally while in public spaces.1 Because frotteuristic acts usually take the form of rubbing oneself on an unsuspecting person, it…

Zoophilia and Bestiality

Zoophilia describes the feelings of sexual arousal or sexual preference for non-human animals. Zoophilia and zoophiles are not to be confused with furries, who are fixated on anthropomorphic or cartoon animals and are rarely sexually motivated in this fixation.7 This form of sexual arousal is considered a paraphilia, or a condition characterized by atypical sexual…


Disclaimer: Although this article discusses ways in which victims of stalking can minimize the threat of stalking and how to protect themselves if it occurs, we want to emphasize that stalking is NEVER the victim’s fault. Stalking is rooted in the stalker’s desire for power and control over the victim, and in no way are…


Necrophilia describes a paraphilia in which an individual is aroused or attracted to fantasies of or potentially direct sexual contact with the dead. Contact between the necrophile and the corpse can take the form of penile-vaginal intercourse, anal intercourse, oral sex, or masturbation in the presence of a corpse, but can also solely manifest as fantasy. Experts and lawmakers consider the explicit practice of necrophilia as…


Coprophilia is an erotic fascination with feces and general filth and uncleanliness.1 When a person experiences some type of sexual pleasure associated with feces, they are called coprophiliacs. Coprophiliacs enjoy either watching people defecate, defecating on someone themselves, being defecated on, smearing feces (scatolia), and sometimes eating feces (coprophagia).1  In some adults, coprophilia may manifest…


Fetishistic Transvestism Transvestism, most commonly referred to as “cross-dressing,” refers to the act of experiencing sexual arousal from wearing clothes typically associated with the opposite gender. For example, a Transvestism, more commonly known as “cross-dressing,” refers to the act of experiencing sexual arousal from wearing clothes typically associated with wearing cloths associated with a gender different…


Fetishism is a type of sexual pleasure in which an inanimate object or body part elicits sexual arousal.  Fetishism is a type of paraphilia.  A paraphilia is a condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires.4  The fetish may cause a specific erotic focus on the object of interest.  This erotic focus may begin to play an important…