Sex and Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder impacting the lives of approximately 51 million people worldwide every year.1 Schizophrenia is defined primarily as a loss of touch with reality, causing a person to be uncertain of what is real and what is occurring only in their mind.1 In addition to affecting a person’s thoughts, feelings, and…

Postpartum Depression

Nearly 80% of new mothers experience what is referred to as the “baby blues.”1 The baby blues appear a few days to a week after giving birth, and may manifest as moodiness, irritability, insomnia (problems falling and/or staying asleep), anxiety, or tearfulness.1, 2 Following childbirth, the body goes through significant changes, including a drop in…

Sex and Antidepressants

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), commonly referred to as Depression, is a common psychiatric diagnosis that involves persistent and intolerable negative affect. While the exact cause is unknown, some prominent theories suggest an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, a genetic predisposition, and environmental factors may increase one’s likelihood of a diagnosis. Symptoms of depression can…