The Birth Control Implant

The birth control implant, available in over 100 countries, is a highly effective form of hormonal birth control that many people find to be a convenient method of preventing pregnancy. The implant is inserted into the arm and can be kept for up to five years.1 Using a synthetic version of the hormone progestin rather…

Hormonal Contraceptive Methods

Hormones are chemical messengers found in the body. In the reproductive systems of people with vulvas, they regulate everything from libido to the menstrual cycle. In addition, synthetic hormones can be administered to people with vulvas who have natural hormonal imbalances, though they are primarily used as a form of contraception, or birth control.1 Hormones…

Amethyst (Formerly Lybrel)

Amethyst and Lybrel are brands of birth control pills designed to prevent ovulation and pregnancy. They are the first continuous-cycle birth control pills ever manufactured. This type of  birth control pill is taken everyday without any break periods for an entire year. This seemingly minor change comes with the added effect of suppressing menstruation for…

The Contraceptive Patch

What Is the Contraceptive Patch? The contraceptive patch (also known as birth control patch) is a waterproof, thin, beige, plastic patch that is applied to the skin to prevent pregnancy.1 The patch can be worn on the lower abdomen, buttocks, or upper body.2 A new patch is placed on the skin once a week for…

A Guide to the Vaginal Ring (NuvaRing®)

The vaginal ring, most commonly known as the NuvaRing®, is a soft, flexible ring that is inserted into the vagina once a month for three weeks to prevent pregnancy. How Does the Vaginal Ring Work? The vaginal ring is a form of birth control that steadily releases both estrogen and progestin hormones, similar to the…

The Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle is an automatic and self-regulating process during which the female body undergoes physiological and hormonal changes over the course of 24 to 42 days. This process plays an integral role in to the overall health and function of the female reproductive system and fosters the growth of fertilized ovum into developing fetuses….


What Are Spermicides? Spermicide is a substance that kills sperm on contact. Spermicides are available in a variety of different forms including creams, gels, foams, suppositories and films.1 Spermicides are inserted deep into the vagina, near the cervix, with a plastic syringe applicator, or they are inserted with a diaphragm, cervical cap, or contraceptive sponge.3…

Fertility Awareness

Basal Body Temperature What Is It? The Basal Body Temperature Method, also known as the “Sympto-Thermal Method” is a complicated (but natural) method of contraception that is based on both the cervical secretions and body temperature of the female. Like all other natural methods of contraception, besides withdrawal, it requires the user to abstain from…


Abstinence is the decision to refrain from sexual behavior. However, since the term “sexual behavior” is defined differently by various people, societies, cultures, religions, and regions, it is difficult to draw an absolute line distinguishing which acts are considered “sexual behaviors.” What is important to recognize is that there is no “right” way to define abstinence….