Cultural Significance of an In-Tact Hymen

Most females are born with a hymen, a thin piece of skin that partially covers the vaginal opening (or introitus). The main purpose of the hymen is to protect the vaginal opening and the areas immediately surrounding the introitus during a female’s early developing years. Despite its biological function, many cultures place a significant amount of importance on the hymen…


HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a sexually transmitted virus that, if left untreated, can progress to AIDS. AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, and is the symptomatic part of this infection. Because HIV is a “retrovirus,” each virus is encased in a protein shell, which allows them to attack and alter cells from the host…

The Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle is an automatic and self-regulating process during which the female body undergoes physiological and hormonal changes over the course of 24 to 42 days. This process plays an integral role in to the overall health and function of the female reproductive system and fosters the growth of fertilized ovum into developing fetuses….

Sexual Headaches

Overview  Sexual headaches are severe headaches that develop in the midst of sexual activity, including during masturbation and orgasm. Other names for this condition are benign sex headache, benign vascular sexual headache, coital cephalalgia, coital headache, orgasmic cephalalgia, and orgasmic headache.1 Although sexual headaches are usually benign, they may be an indicator of a more serious…


Disclaimer: Throughout this article we will be using the term “expectant mother” to refer to a pregnant female, although we acknowledge that not all pregnant females will become mothers. Some may choose to serve as surrogates, or to give their babies up for adoption by couples who wish to become parents. Further, we will be…