Fertility Awareness Methods for Family Planning

Fertility awareness-based methods are different techniques that can be used to either avoid or attempt pregnancy. They differ from other methods of family planning because one does not have to take hormonal birth control or other types of medication. Although these methods can be used to achieve pregnancy, this article will focus on the avoidance…

Fertility Awareness

Basal Body Temperature What Is It? The Basal Body Temperature Method, also known as the “Sympto-Thermal Method” is a complicated (but natural) method of contraception that is based on both the cervical secretions and body temperature of the female. Like all other natural methods of contraception, besides withdrawal, it requires the user to abstain from…

The Catholic Church and Contraception

Historically, the Catholic Church and contraception have had a contentious relationship. As early as the second century, the Church took the firm position that the use of contraception—as well as the act of engaging in any form of recreational sex that does not lead to procreation—was considered sinful. Evidence of this belief dates back to the Didache, a second-century document…