Eating Disorders Overview

While most people are concerned about what they eat, the American Psychological Association (APA) states that people with eating disorders have abnormal eating habits that can be harmful to their health and even their life.1 Although it is hard to get an exact statistic of how many people are suffering with an eating disorder, it…

Long Distance Relationships

Relationships can be difficult to begin with, so what happens when the person you love is hundreds or thousands of miles away?  Although it may seem as though there is no easy way to be in a long-distance relationship (LDR), if both partners value the connection and want to make it work, it is entirely…

PDA (Public Displays of Affection)

PDA is a form of interaction that constantly receives mixed reviews. Some partners engage in it frequently while others may never do it at all. Upon witnessing PDA, onlookers may either be indifferent, or resent it. When entering a relationship with any partner, understanding PDA can help determine how to best show affection, while ensuring…

Meeting the Family

​If you are in a romantic relationship, eventually the time may come to meet your partner’s family.  This can be an important step in a relationship, because family is often a very influential part of someone’s life.  Meeting your partner’s family can create an essential connection between two important pieces of their life: their family…

Online Dating

Online dating is a powerful resource for meeting potential partners. While conventional dating methods are still practiced, online dating offers a convenient, safe, alternative approach to meeting new people. Some people do not choose online dating because they meet new people in their everyday lives, while others appreciate the safety and confidence provided when initial…

How to Have “The Talk” With Your Parent

What Is “The Talk?” Some call it the tale of the “birds and the bees;” others call it “the talk.” Regardless of the name, it is almost always associated with feelings of awkwardness, anxiety, and uneasiness. “The talk” consists of a discussion between parents and their child(ren) about sex and sexuality. Many young people are…

The Mathematics of Love

Although human emotion is not rational, predictable, or easily quantifiable, love, like most life experiences is characterized by patterns: “from the number of sexual partners we have in our lifetime to how we message on an internet dating website. These patterns twist and turn and warp and evolve just as love does, and are all…

A Woman in the College Dating Scene

College is a time for intellectual, social, personal and sexual exploration. Men and women are not only trying to understand who they want to be, but they are attempting to identify the types of people that best coexist with that somewhat abstract image they perceive themselves as. Relationships are crucial learning experiences that can help…

What Is Consent?

Disclaimer: We acknowledge that there are many different words that individuals use to describe themselves after experiencing sexual assault. In this article, we use the term ‘survivor’ for the sake of consistency. We acknowledge that there are many ways of processing sexual violence, and believe each individual person should choose the language that they are most…