Female Infertility

Disclaimer note: While both males and females can be infertile, this article focuses on female infertility, its most common causes, and treatments. For information relating to male infertility click here. Overview of Female Infertility Female infertility is defined as the inability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term after 12 months of unprotected intercourse, or…


Endometriosis is a painful female reproductive condition associated with chronic menstrual pain and infertility. Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissue begins to grow outside of the uterus.1 This tissue is similar to the lining of the uterus.1 Although there is currently no cure for endometriosis, there are different types of treatment available that can help manage…

The Ovaries and the Ovum

The ovaries are the female gonads, or sex glands. These glands carry out two important functions: ovulation, and the production and secretion of sex hormones. Ovulation is the process of releasing an ovum, or egg, to prepare a female for possible implantation and consequent impregnation. Sex hormones regulate the process which dictates ovulation, known as…

Painful Intercourse

Pain or discomfort during intercourse is quite common among females and some males.  About 60% of females experience painful intercourse at least once during their lifetime. Painful intercourse can also affect males; however, it is not as common. Dyspareunia it is defined as chronic pain in the genital area either during or shortly after intercourse.1…


Disclaimer: Throughout this article we will be using the term “expectant mother” to refer to a pregnant female, although we acknowledge that not all pregnant females will become mothers. Some may choose to serve as surrogates, or to give their babies up for adoption by couples who wish to become parents. Further, we will be…