
Foreplay is a term that is generally used to describe any sexual activity that occurs prior to sexual intercourse.¹ However, foreplay does not always have to lead to sex. Unfortunately, foreplay is something that many either rush through or ignore altogether. In doing so, many individuals are missing out on the opportunity to develop a…

Barriers During Oral Sex: The Wise Choice

Oral sex includes contact between the mouth and a penis, vagina, or anus. Although oral sex cannot lead to pregnancy, oral sex can and does lead to the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Oral barriers, including condoms and dental dams, prevent direct contact between the partners’ skin and any bodily fluids, significantly reducing the…

Deep Throating During Oral Sex

Deep throating is an intense form of fellatio in which an individual puts an erect penis as deep in their mouth as possible. Deep throating is commonly considered the most challenging fellatio technique to perform. The pharyngeal reflex or “gag reflex” is often triggered during deep throating. This is because the penis is constantly touching the soft…

Swallowing Your Partner’s Ejaculate

Swallowing a partner’s ejaculate may be an erotic activity to some; however, others may find this activity unappealing. Choosing to swallow, spit out, or refrain from touching semen are all personal preferences that should be respected. For those who decide not to swallow their partner’s ejaculate, spitting out the ejaculate or withdrawing the penis before…

Oral Sex and STIs

Oral sex is a sexual activity that uses the mouth, lips, or tongue as a way to stimulate a partner.1 There are many reasons why individuals enjoy oral sex, and it is a much more common sexual activity than people are led to believe. In fact, a statistic from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that more…

The Tearoom Trade

In 1970, sociologist and ordained Episcopalian minister Laud Humphreys published his book The Tearoom Trade: Impersonal Sex in Public Places, one of the most famous and controversial studies in sexology. By assuming the role of a “look-out,” Humphreys gained the male subjects’ trust, which enabled him to observe complete strangers engaging in brief, impersonal sexual…