
Overview The vagina is a stretchable muscular cavity lined with mucous membranes in the female reproductive system that extends from the uterus (womb) to the vaginal opening. The cervix of the uterus forms the interior end of the vagina, while the vulva–or the external parts of the female genitalia–and labia (singular: labium) form the exterior…

Male Masturbation for Teenagers

As you start to mature and go through puberty, you may feel certain sexual urges and begin exploring your body. Although exploring your body should be done in private, know that these urges are completely normal and there is nothing wrong with you. Masturbation is defined as the sexual stimulation of one’s own genitals, usually…

Erogenous Zones

What Are Erogenous Zones? The word erogenous comes from the Greek word “eros” which means love. Erogenous zones are parts of the body which are highly sensitive and when stimulated, cause arousal. The most common erogenous zones include the breasts (including the nipple and areola), clitoris, anus, the g-spot, and the penis. Other less obvious erogenous zones include the…

Female Genital Self-Exam

Performing regular genital exams can help you better understand your body and learn what is normal for it. These exams can show you the physical changes that occur throughout the menstrual cycle. Regular self-exams are important because they increase the likelihood of discovering physical changes and abnormalities. This is important so that any changes can…


Frotteurism, also known as frotteuristic disorder, is defined as a paraphilia in which a person is sexually aroused by the act or fantasy of making unwanted — and often unrecognized — physical contact with others, generally while in public spaces.1 Because frotteuristic acts usually take the form of rubbing oneself on an unsuspecting person, it…

Barriers During Oral Sex: The Wise Choice

Oral sex includes contact between the mouth and a penis, vagina, or anus. Although oral sex cannot lead to pregnancy, oral sex can and does lead to the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Oral barriers, including condoms and dental dams, prevent direct contact between the partners’ skin and any bodily fluids, significantly reducing the…

Drug Treatments to Control Herpes

Transmission of the herpes simplex virus (HSV) often goes undetected. This is because HSV has an incubation period that can range from a few weeks to over a year. Most people infected with the virus discover their condition either from an initial outbreak or from the results of a blood test.1 The realization that a person is…

Female Masturbation

Masturbation is the self-stimulation of the genitals with a hand, sex toy, vibrator, or other object for sexual pleasure. Masturbation can be done alone (solo masturbation) or at the same time as a partner (mutual masturbation). There are many methods of masturbating, as well as methods of arousal while masturbating. Some individuals enjoy fantasizing while…

Male Genital Self-Exam

The major regions of the male genitalia include the penis, scrotum, and urethra. A genital self-examination consists of physically and visually investigating for abnormalities. Maintenance of sexual health includes regular self-examination of the external genitalia. Individuals should perform self-examinations as often as possible to identify abnormal masses and avoid complications that may arise from conditions…