Gender Binary

The gender binary is a system that pairs together sex (which is based on an individual’s reproductive anatomy) and gender (which refers to the socially constructed ideas and expectations that a culture has for certain sex). More specifically, it classifies two distinguishable, distinct, and oftentimes contrasting genders: males who identify as men and females who…

Female Genital Self-Exam (Teen Corner)

Performing regular genital exams can help you better understand your body and learn what is normal for it. These exams can show you the physical changes that occur throughout the menstrual cycle. Regular self-exams are important because they increase the likelihood of discovering physical changes and abnormalities. This is important so that any changes can be…

Internal Condom

The internal condom, like the external condom, is a barrier method of contraception. When worn during sex, the internal condom lines the entire interior of the vagina, preventing semen from entering the uterus and potentially fertilizing an egg. By shielding the walls of the vagina or anus from semen and other bodily fluids, the internal condom also helps…

What Is Consent?

Disclaimer: We acknowledge that there are many different words that individuals use to describe themselves after experiencing sexual assault. In this article, we use the term ‘survivor’ for the sake of consistency. We acknowledge that there are many ways of processing sexual violence, and believe each individual person should choose the language that they are most…

Guide to Healthy Eating

Healthy eating involves knowing what foods your body needs to function optimally, what foods you enjoy consuming, and finding a balanced variety of the two that keeps your body and mind both strong and satisfied.1 The following sections aim to help you understand the various aspects of healthy eating so that you can both reflect…


The word “genderqueer” is a term used to describe one whose gender identity does not necessarily fit within the male/female gender binary. Gender identity is an inner sense and experience of one’s gender, whether male-identifying, female-identifying, trans*, or non-binary.1 Though many individuals identify with the male or female labels, others reject this strict gender binary. Some identify with specific labels on the spectrum of…

The Birth Control Implant

The birth control implant, available in over 100 countries, is a highly effective form of hormonal birth control that many people find to be a convenient method of preventing pregnancy. The implant is inserted into the arm and can be kept for up to five years.1 Using a synthetic version of the hormone progestin rather…

Female Masturbation

Masturbation is the self-stimulation of the genitals with a hand, sex toy, vibrator, or other object for sexual pleasure. Masturbation can be done alone (solo masturbation) or at the same time as a partner (mutual masturbation). There are many methods of masturbating, as well as methods of arousal while masturbating. Some individuals enjoy fantasizing while…

The G-Spot

The Gräfenberg spot (G-spot), named after German gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg, is an erogenous area in the vagina, which upon proper stimulation may cause a person to experience sexual arousal that can lead to orgasm, and in some instances ejaculation. The G-spot is located approximately two to three centimeters inside the vaginal canal on the anterior (front wall) of the vagina and changes in size in response to physical stimulation. 1 Prior to stimulation, the…