Breastfeeding and the Workplace

In the United States, the number of working women increases yearly. As the number of working mothers increases, so does concern over how employers can best support them. After a certain point, most working parents must decide whether to continue breastfeeding or begin using formula. Well-respected institutions, health care professionals, and public health officials have begun to strongly…

Breastfeeding: Benefits and Disadvantages

Lactation, or milk production in the breasts, begins about one to three days after a woman gives birth. Pituitary hormones stimulate milk production in response to the stimulation of the infants suckling the nipples.1 At this time, based on personal preference, you can decide whether you would like to feed your newborn with breast milk…

Bacterial Meningitis

Bacterial Meningitis is caused by inflammation of the meninges, the protective membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord.1 A host of different strains of bacteria can cause meningitis, and people are more susceptible to certain strains at certain ages.1 Oftentimes, people carry the contagious bacteria, but do not show symptoms. However, if the bacteria break…

Infant Safe Haven Laws

Many women who become pregnant unintentionally find it very difficult to decide what to do next. There are a few choices of how they can proceed, such as abortion, adoption, and motherhood. However, what happens if a woman gives birth to a baby and then realizes that they are unable to properly care for the…

A Partner’s Guide to Pregnancy

            As a partner, it may sometimes feel like you are only spectating your partner’s pregnancy from the sidelines. However, a partner’s involvement during pregnancy facilitates the bond you will share with the baby, plus it builds the foundation for your new or expanding family. Making a point to show…