
Childfree refers to individuals or couples who do not have children, either by circumstance or by choice. Synonymous terms for childfree may include childless or barren, but these particular words are often believed to be insensitive due the implication that families or singles without children are deficient in some way. We ought to consider childfree…

Sex Myth Busters

Sex education often extends far beyond the classroom. People learn about sex from word of mouth, friends, family, and the media. This informal sex education process spreads information based on individual experience, local folklore, cultural values, or traditional customs, often resulting in the exchange of unreliable, inconsistent information. Popular Myths and Folklore Sex myths that…

Male Infertility

Disclaimer Note: While both males and females can be infertile, this article focuses on male infertility, it’s most common causes and treatments. For information on female infertility click here. Infertility is when a male and female partner cannot successfully conceive a child after a year of frequent, unprotected intercourse. Male and female infertility are each responsible…

Female Infertility

Disclaimer note: While both males and females can be infertile, this article focuses on female infertility, its most common causes, and treatments. For information relating to male infertility click here. Overview of Female Infertility Female infertility is defined as the inability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term after 12 months of unprotected intercourse, or…

Female Infertility in America

Disclaimer: This article focuses on the social and psychological aspects of infertility in America. For information regarding the biological aspects of female infertility click here. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 10% or 6.1 million women in the United States struggle with infertility, which is understood as the inability to conceive or…


What is menopause? Menopause is the cessation of a woman’s menstruation, a normal and natural transition all women go through as they age. When a woman reaches her early to mid-40s, she may start to notice her period becoming irregular. This is often a sign that her body has started the process of becoming infertile,…

How to Increase the Chances of Pregnancy

Some couples are able to get pregnant effortlessly, while others experience varying degrees of difficulty. Many couples who are trying to conceive are anxious to do so. Although having intercourse within the “fertile window” is one of the best known ways to increase the probability of fertilization, there are several other ways that couples can…


Endometriosis is a painful female reproductive condition associated with chronic menstrual pain and infertility. Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissue begins to grow outside of the uterus.1 This tissue is similar to the lining of the uterus.1 Although there is currently no cure for endometriosis, there are different types of treatment available that can help manage…