
Childfree refers to individuals or couples who do not have children, either by circumstance or by choice. Synonymous terms for childfree may include childless or barren, but these particular words are often believed to be insensitive due the implication that families or singles without children are deficient in some way. We ought to consider childfree…

Sex Myth Busters

Sex education often extends far beyond the classroom. People learn about sex from word of mouth, friends, family, and the media. This informal sex education process spreads information based on individual experience, local folklore, cultural values, or traditional customs, often resulting in the exchange of unreliable, inconsistent information. Popular Myths and Folklore Sex myths that…

Myths about Aging & Sex

Although sex might not be as taboo as it used to be, the idea of sex as one gets older is still clouded with myths and uncertainty. Society tends to hold the idea that older people simply do not participate in or enjoy sex as much as younger people. One study even showed that a…

Male Sexual Assault

Disclaimer: We acknowledge that there are many different words that individuals use to describe themselves after experiencing sexual assault. In this article, we only use the term “survivor” for the sake of consistency. We acknowledge that there are many different ways of processing sexual violence, and we believe each individual should be able to choose the language…

Myths and Facts About Sexual Assault and Harassment

What Is a Rape Myth? A rape myth is a commonly held, inaccurate, and often stereotypical belief about rape and/or sexual assault.1 These myths stem from a wide variety of social factors such as stereotypes, social media, and gender roles. We live in a patriarchal society that often excuses males for their harmful behaviors by…