When Pornography Becomes a Problem

Watching pornography is a generally an acceptable and positive way for a person to express their sexuality. However, it can also cause a person distress if they feel they are watching it too often or feel they are losing control of their habit. How Much Is Too Much? There is no “normal” amount of pornography to consume….

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Sex, sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity are commonly confused terms often used inconsistently and interchangeably. However, there are important distinctions between these ideas that involve both biological and social factors. The complex interaction between them influence a person’s identity, sexual attraction, emotional attraction, and gender expression as the iconic image of the “Genderbread Person”…

Sexual Harassment

What Is Sexual Harassment? Sexual harassment describes a wide variety of sexually inappropriate behaviors towards both men and women. Whether it be at work, school, or in a social situation, sexual harassment is a problem that takes multiple forms which can range from unwelcome, suggestive comments, or leading to an aggravated sexual assault (rape).1 Sexual…