Erogenous Zones

What Are Erogenous Zones? The word erogenous comes from the Greek word “eros” which means love. Erogenous zones are parts of the body which are highly sensitive and when stimulated, cause arousal. The most common erogenous zones include the breasts (including the nipple and areola), clitoris, anus, the g-spot, and the penis. Other less obvious erogenous zones include the…


Frotteurism, also known as frotteuristic disorder, is defined as a paraphilia in which a person is sexually aroused by the act or fantasy of making unwanted — and often unrecognized — physical contact with others, generally while in public spaces.1 Because frotteuristic acts usually take the form of rubbing oneself on an unsuspecting person, it…

Childhood Sexuality

As many parents have most likely noticed, children are curious by nature, especially when it comes to learning about sexuality. Children begin learning about sexuality as infants and continue learning throughout their lives; they begin to discover their bodies and notice others’ bodies, as well as about emotions like attachment and love. It is not…

Female Masturbation

Masturbation is the self-stimulation of the genitals with a hand, sex toy, vibrator, or other object for sexual pleasure. Masturbation can be done alone (solo masturbation) or at the same time as a partner (mutual masturbation). There are many methods of masturbating, as well as methods of arousal while masturbating. Some individuals enjoy fantasizing while…

Sexual Harassment

What Is Sexual Harassment? Sexual harassment describes a wide variety of sexually inappropriate behaviors towards both men and women. Whether it be at work, school, or in a social situation, sexual harassment is a problem that takes multiple forms which can range from unwelcome, suggestive comments, or leading to an aggravated sexual assault (rape).1 Sexual…