Inducing Labor

Labor induction (also referred to as inducing labor) is when uterine contractions are stimulated to begin the process of labor during a vaginal birth. Labor induction is not a new practice. In fact, it dates back to Ancient Greece as Hippocrates, who is considered the Father of Medicine, recorded descriptions of dilating the cervical canal.1…

How to Increase the Chances of Pregnancy

Some couples are able to get pregnant effortlessly, while others experience varying degrees of difficulty. Many couples who are trying to conceive are anxious to do so. Although having intercourse within the “fertile window” is one of the best known ways to increase the probability of fertilization, there are several other ways that couples can…

Surgical Abortions

Surgical abortion—also commonly known as suction or vacuum aspiration—is a method that uses a vacuum aspiration machine to cleanse out the uterus, including the fetus. Surgical abortion is the most common method of first trimester abortions performed. Another option for abortion during the first trimester is a medically-induced abortion. Any abortion after the first trimester…

Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer that affects the female reproductive system. It generally begins in one of the two ovaries on either sides of the uterus and can often remain undetected for most of the beginning stages. Ovarian cancer is usually identified once it has metastasized (spread) to other parts of the pelvic…


Endometriosis is a painful female reproductive condition associated with chronic menstrual pain and infertility. Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissue begins to grow outside of the uterus.1 This tissue is similar to the lining of the uterus.1 Although there is currently no cure for endometriosis, there are different types of treatment available that can help manage…

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary (or ovarian) syndrome, also known as PCOS, is the most common endocrine ailment affecting people with uteruses, impacting about 8-13% of adults of reproductive age and approximately 6-18% of adolescents.1 PCOS is caused by an imbalance in an individual’s androgen hormone levels. This hormonal imbalance can cause a number of issues, including difficulty…


A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure in which a female’s uterus is removed. In the United States, hysterectomies are very common, with 1 in 3 women undergoing the procedure by age 60.1 It is the second most common surgical procedure in reproductive-aged women.1 Hysterectomy rates vary in other countries, but the United States contains the…

Overview of the Reproductive System: People with Vaginas

Note: This article was previously titled ‘An Overview of the Female Reproductive System.’ We have changed the language from ‘female’ to ‘people with vaginas’ in the title and throughout the article to be more inclusive, as not all people who identify as women or female have vaginas and not all people with vaginas identify as…

Queefing Demystified

Most people have probably heard about or experienced the fart-like noise that can occur while having sex, commonly known as a “queef,” “vart,” “pussy fart,” or “fanny fart,” among other names. These names can be, and often are, very misleading. A queef is simply an expulsion of air from the vagina. It is usually odorless because…