Allegedly, jelqing is a technique for penis enlargement that has recently become more popular with the rise of online blogs and how-to videos. However, due to the lack of reputable scientific research on the technique, we cannot recommend the technique or condone the effectiveness of jelqing. Nonetheless, we have provided some information regarding our understanding…
Author: The Sexperts
Hepatitis A B C D and E
Hepatitis is categorized into five distinct types: hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. These variations of hepatitis are all viral infections that mainly affect the liver causing various symptoms from fever to liver cancer. Hepatitis A Distribution Countries that have poor hygiene and poor sanitary conditions have the highest instances of infection with 90…
Necrophilia describes a paraphilia in which an individual is aroused or attracted to fantasies of or potentially direct sexual contact with the dead. Contact between the necrophile and the corpse can take the form of penile-vaginal intercourse, anal intercourse, oral sex, or masturbation in the presence of a corpse, but can also solely manifest as fantasy. Experts and lawmakers consider the explicit practice of necrophilia as…
Coprophilia is an erotic fascination with feces and general filth and uncleanliness.1 When a person experiences some type of sexual pleasure associated with feces, they are called coprophiliacs. Coprophiliacs enjoy either watching people defecate, defecating on someone themselves, being defecated on, smearing feces (scatolia), and sometimes eating feces (coprophagia).1 In some adults, coprophilia may manifest…
Barriers During Oral Sex: The Wise Choice
Oral sex includes contact between the mouth and a penis, vagina, or anus. Although oral sex cannot lead to pregnancy, oral sex can and does lead to the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Oral barriers, including condoms and dental dams, prevent direct contact between the partners’ skin and any bodily fluids, significantly reducing the…
Sodomy Laws in the U.S.
The modern definition of sodomy is any “noncoital carnal copulation” or any kind of “non-penile-vaginal intercourse.” 1 This definition is an umbrella term for any sexual activity that is not for procreation such as homosexual behavior, anal sex, bestiality and zoophilia, sex with minors, and many other sexual activities such as oral sex. The antiquated…
The diaphragm, a shallow silicone cap, is a barrier method of birth control for people with vulvas. Inserted deep within the vagina, the diaphragm creates a seal against the cervix to prevent sperm from entering the uterus.1 Spermicidal foam, cream, or jelly is applied onto the diaphragm before insertion to immobilize and kill sperm before…
The Neurobiology of Romantic Love
Romantic love is one of the most universal human experiences. More than 20 years ago, biological anthropologist Helen Fisher studied 166 societies and found evidence of romantic love in 147 of them.1 According to Richard Schwartz, associate professor of psychiatry at MacLean Hospital, romantic love must be wired into our basic biological nature due to…
Risks of HIV/AIDS and Gender Inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa
Overview Since the onset of the AIDS virus, Sub-Saharan Africa has been amongst the highest percentage of HIV-positive inhabitants in the entire world. Seventy percent of people living with HIV are believed to be in Sub-Saharan Africa.1 One can assume that the sexual practices of those living within Southern Africa have had to adapt to avoid…