Late-Term Abortions

Disclaimer: Throughout this article, we will be using the term “women” to refer to individuals who are pregnant. We understand that sex and gender are two different things, and just because a person is biologically a female does not necessarily mean they identify as a women. However, for the sake of simplicity and consistency, we use that term. If…

Choosing Abortion

About 6.7 million pregnancies occur in the United States each year.1 Nearly two-thirds of all pregnancies result in live births and about one-fifth in abortion; the remainder end in miscarriage.2 Despite how common the procedure is, the topic of abortion is subject to endless controversy in the United States. Few private medical procedures face the same,…


Adoption is a valuable alternative to having a biological child for those who cannot or do not want to conceive or give birth, those who do not want to worsen the issue of overpopulation, or those who place value in raising a child that has no caregiver. Adoption is also a crucial alternative for many parents…

Finding a Reputable Abortion Clinic

Disclaimer: Throughout this article, we will be using the term “woman” to describe biological females who can become pregnant. We understand that sex and gender are separate, but for the sake of simplicity and consistency, these are the terms we will be using. If you would like to learn more about gender identity, visit our Sexual Orientation Gender Identity article. If…

The Catholic Church and Contraception

Historically, the Catholic Church and contraception have had a contentious relationship. As early as the second century, the Church took the firm position that the use of contraception—as well as the act of engaging in any form of recreational sex that does not lead to procreation—was considered sinful. Evidence of this belief dates back to the Didache, a second-century document…

Sexual Predators in Cyber Space

Introduction With the technological advances in our current society, the internet has become a prime place where sexual predators can lure children and teens into dangerous situations. Using chat rooms, email, and instant messaging can put a child at risk to encounter a sexual predator. The internet also allows for a shroud of secrecy, in…

Characteristics of an Abusive Relationship

This article is designed to help individuals determine if they or someone they know may be in an abusive relationship. Identifying the signs of an abusive relationship early on are important, but it is never too late to get help. It can be difficult to recognize whether or not one is in an abusive relationship….

Talking To Your Child About Sex

Oftentimes, parents are interested in talking to their children and teens about sex, but do not know how to approach the conversation. Parents and their children may feel uncomfortable or awkward addressing this sensitive topic. Sex and intimacy play a role in the lives of all people; everyone will likely be exposed to or experience…

Negotiating Safer Sex

Sexual activity can be a fun and connecting experience for partners. However, oral, vaginal, and anal sex are behaviors that do come with risks. The most effective away to avoid the risks of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or having an unplanned pregnancy is to use contraceptives. Despite their proven effectiveness, contraceptives are not always a priority for individuals engaging in sexual…