Personal First Time Sex Stories

Deciding to have sex for the first time or “losing your virginity” can be an important moment in a person’s life. For many people, it does not turn out exactly as planned. If your first time was not how you imagined it or if you are nervous about it happening, we want to ensure you…

Male Masturbation for Teenagers

As you start to mature and go through puberty, you may feel certain sexual urges and begin exploring your body. Although exploring your body should be done in private, know that these urges are completely normal and there is nothing wrong with you. Masturbation is defined as the sexual stimulation of one’s own genitals, usually…

Are You Ready to Lose Your Virginity?

Deciding to become sexually active can be a major turning point in a person’s life. There are many factors to consider when making this decision and it is important to realize that it is normal to have certain worries or concerns. When thinking about becoming sexually active, a person must consider the experience of their…

A Teenager’s Guide to Kissing

This guide provides simple tips that aim to help any first kissing experiences go as smoothly and enjoyably as possible. Moreover, it addresses some common myths about kissing. Cultural connotations of kissing vary widely throughout the world; as a result, a kiss can express many different kinds of sentiments. This guide focuses on kissing to…

Emergency Contraceptive Pills (ECPs) (Teen Corner)

The emergency contraceptive pill (ECP), more commonly known as Plan B or “the morning-after pill,” can be used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or the failure of a primary birth control method. The name “morning after” is misleading: it can (and should) be taken sooner than the morning after or a few days after intercourse. The…

Female Masturbation (Teen Corner)

Female masturbation is a rather hush-hush subject. The female genitalia are smaller and less obvious than the male’s genitals. Many females are not aware of the different parts of their genitals and do not always know when they are aroused. The clitoris, which contains the most nerve endings and is the most sensitive area of the female’s genitals, is hidden…

Going Through Male Puberty

Puberty is a stage of development during which boys’ and girls’ bodies begin to develop and change into those of young men and women. During puberty, the body grows faster than it has since the first year of life. It is important to realize that everyone goes through the changes, embarrassments, and confusion that can…

How to Have “The Talk” With Your Parent

What Is “The Talk?” Some call it the tale of the “birds and the bees;” others call it “the talk.” Regardless of the name, it is almost always associated with feelings of awkwardness, anxiety, and uneasiness. “The talk” consists of a discussion between parents and their child(ren) about sex and sexuality. Many young people are…