An Overview of Birth Control

What Is Birth Control? The term “birth control” refers to a broad spectrum of methods that partners engaging in sexual activity use to prevent pregnancy. The most common types of birth control are hormonal methods, barrier methods, surgical procedures, withdrawal, and abstinence. In the United States, over 40% of women are using some form of…

Are You Ready to Lose Your Virginity?

Deciding to become sexually active can be a major turning point in a person’s life. There are many factors to consider when making this decision and it is important to realize that it is normal to have certain worries or concerns. When thinking about becoming sexually active, a person must consider the experience of their…

The Issue With Abstinence-Only Programs

Why Don’t Abstinence-Only Programs Work? Abstinence-only programs (also known as “abstinence-only-until-marriage” programs) teach students to refrain from sexual activity until they are married. While these programs may have good intentions, they tend to exclude discussion of contraceptive methods, non-heterosexual relationships, gender identity, and abortion. Evidence has shown that young people have sexual experiences regardless of…

Sex Education Within Schools

  Opinions regarding what constitutes an effective and appropriate sex education vary between countries, nations, cultures, and even among families. The sex education curriculum of any given society typically reflects the dominant cultural values and norms of the greater community. There has yet to be a nation today to achieve comprehensive standards. In past decades, “abstinence-only” sex education programs…

The Hymen

The hymen is a structure within the vulva, which encompasses the female external genitalia. It is a thin piece of mucosal tissue that surrounds and partially covers the vaginal opening (also known as the introitus).1 There is no known biological or evolutionary function of the hymen, but a few hypotheses have been put forward. One…