How to Ask Your Partner to Get Tested

Asking a partner to be tested for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) can be a difficult conversation to have. It is a sensitive subject for most and may result in hurt feelings or other emotions. Some may take the request the wrong way and assume their partner believes they are dirty or sleep around. However, if a…

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is cancer of the cervix, the tube-shaped structure that connects the vagina and the uterus. The World Health Organization estimates that over one million females are living with cervical cancer around the world.1 The National Cancer Institute approximates 12,900 females were diagnosed in 2015 alone.2 According to the American Cancer Society, 4,120 females are expected…

Myths and Facts About Childhood Sexual Abuse

Disclaimer: We acknowledge that there are many different words that individuals use to describe themselves after experiencing sexual assault. In this article we use the term “victim” for the sake of consistency. We acknowledge that there are many different ways of processing sexual violence, and we believe each individual person should choose the language that…

Late-Term Abortions

Disclaimer: Throughout this article, we will be using the term “women” to refer to individuals who are pregnant. We understand that sex and gender are two different things, and just because a person is biologically a female does not necessarily mean they identify as a women. However, for the sake of simplicity and consistency, we use that term. If…