The emergency contraceptive pill (ECP), more commonly known as Plan B or “the morning-after pill,” can be used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or the failure of a primary birth control method. The name “morning after” is misleading: it can (and should) be taken sooner than the morning after or a few days after intercourse. The…
Tag: pregnant
The Birth Control Shot
The birth control shot, most commonly known as Depo-Provera® or DMPA, is an injection of the progestin hormone.1 This hormone is injected into the arm or buttocks every three months in order to prevent ovulation and thicken cervical mucus, making it more difficult for sperm to pass through the cervix.1 Since the birth control shot…
The Birth Control Implant
The birth control implant, available in over 100 countries, is a highly effective form of hormonal birth control that many people find to be a convenient method of preventing pregnancy. The implant is inserted into the arm and can be kept for up to five years.1 Using a synthetic version of the hormone progestin rather…
Sexual Positions for Plus Size Individuals
Disclaimer: We encourage the normalization of body size terminology; if you have a better term to replace plus size or overweight, please let us know. We use the terms overweight and plus size interchangeably. People of all shapes and sizes can engage in sexual activity and sexual intercourse. However, differences in body types mean that…
Abortion Resources
Abortion is a controversial and important issue, but whether you are pro-life, pro-choice, or anywhere in between, we believe that every person who can get pregnant deserves to know their options. Deciding what to do in the case of an unplanned pregnancy is not always an easy choice. If you or your partner are considering abortion,…
Pregnancy by Trimester
Disclaimer: We acknowledge that not all pregnant females will remain the mother of the child and that not all mothers may have biologically given birth to their child. In this article, we use the term “mother” for the sake of simplicity and consistency. Overview Pregnancy lasts about forty weeks when counted from the first day of your last normal period. These weeks…
Could You Have an STI?
An important part of becoming sexually active is learning how to take care of your sexual health. Any unprotected sexual act including vaginal, anal, or oral sex can potentially result in the transmission of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) if one or both sexual partners are infected. Additionally, a pregnant individual can also pass on…
The Breasts
The breast is a tissue that covers both male and female chest muscles. They are secondary sex characteristics and develop differently in males and females. When talking about breasts people generally refer to those of the female. This is because they are an important part of breastfeeding and sexual pleasure. Breasts vary in size, shape,…
Infant Safe Haven Laws
Many women who become pregnant unintentionally find it very difficult to decide what to do next. There are a few choices of how they can proceed, such as abortion, adoption, and motherhood. However, what happens if a woman gives birth to a baby and then realizes that they are unable to properly care for the…