Transition and Gender Affirming Surgery

Transition is the process for trans individuals to express their internal gender identity outwardly through emotional, social, or medical means. Gender dysphoria is defined as strong negative feelings such as distress an individual experiences when their sex assigned at birth does not match their social and psychological identity.1 Keep in mind that there is a…

Surgical Abortions

Surgical abortion—also commonly known as suction or vacuum aspiration—is a method that uses a vacuum aspiration machine to cleanse out the uterus, including the fetus. Surgical abortion is the most common method of first trimester abortions performed. Another option for abortion during the first trimester is a medically-induced abortion. Any abortion after the first trimester…

Loving Your Breasts

Why Should You Love Your Breasts?  When it comes to body image, we are almost always our harshest critics. And for females, breast size is often a sensitive subject. However, normal, healthy breasts come in all different shapes and sizes. The media’s portrayal of the female body often makes people feel inadequate in comparison. It…

Female Sterilization

What is Female Sterilization? Female sterilization is meant as a permanent and irreversible form of pregnancy prevention. There are two types of procedures: tubal ligation and the insertion of tubal implants (commonly referred to as its brand name Essure). There are two common types of tubal ligation surgeries, the mini-laparotomy, and the laparoscopy. Both tubal…


The word “genderqueer” is a term used to describe one whose gender identity does not necessarily fit within the male/female gender binary. Gender identity is an inner sense and experience of one’s gender, whether male-identifying, female-identifying, trans*, or non-binary.1 Though many individuals identify with the male or female labels, others reject this strict gender binary. Some identify with specific labels on the spectrum of…

Breast Augmentation

Breasts are the human mammary glands. They are found on the chest wall and are made up of connective tissue, breast tissue and fat.1 Lobes, which are made up of several lobules, produce milk. Milk ducts connect the lobes to the nipple, which allows for the release of milk. Breasts vary in size, but most…


Mastectomy is the surgical removal of all or some of a patient’s breast tissue, usually performed in order to treat or prevent breast cancer. Mastectomy is not to be confused with lumpectomy, which is the removal of only the cancerous mass from the breast along with a minimal amount of surrounding healthy tissue.1 Mastectomy is…

Breast Cancer

The breast is a secondary sex organ located on top of the pectoral muscle of the torso. The breasts, also called mammaries, produce milk (lactate) so that a mother can feed her infant child. Each breast is composed of both fatty tissue and mammary glands. Mammary glands are connected to the nipple via milk ducts,…