Intimacy is vital to many relationships, after having a baby, many parents wonder when they can engage in sexual activity again. If you are unsure about whether or not it is safe to resume sexual activity, you can ask your doctor. In addition to medical advice, make sure to communicate with your partner to ensure…
Tag: vagina
Gonorrhea, sometimes called “the clap”, is a sexually transmitted infection that can be spread to both males and females. It is a bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, also called gonococcus.1 Gonorrhea is a very common infection in the United States and worldwide. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates, that…
The Pap Smear
A Pap smear, also known as a Papanicolaou test or Pap test, is a procedure that checks for abnormal cells on the cervix.1 It is named after George Papanicolaou, M.D., who is credited for developing the Pap smear.2 The Pap smear drastically transformed how early cervical cancer can be detected in females.2 The cervix is…
Surgical Abortions
Surgical abortion—also commonly known as suction or vacuum aspiration—is a method that uses a vacuum aspiration machine to cleanse out the uterus, including the fetus. Surgical abortion is the most common method of first trimester abortions performed. Another option for abortion during the first trimester is a medically-induced abortion. Any abortion after the first trimester…
Contraceptive Sponge
The contraceptive sponge is a small, disposable polyurethane foam device that contains absorbed spermicide. It is soft, circular, and concave in shape, and it has an attached cotton loop used for insertion and removal.1,2 Before intercourse, the sponge must be inserted deep into the vagina and placed over the cervical opening in order to prevent pregnancy by killing sperm before…
Cervical Cap
The cervical cap or contraceptive cap is a barrier method of birth control. It is a small silicone cup that is inserted into the vagina in order to prevent pregnancy. A suction mechanism allows the cap to sit over the cervix, blocking sperm from entering the uterus and preventing fertilization. For people with vaginas who…
Intrauterine Device (IUD)
The IUD is a highly effective, long lasting form of birth control. The two different types, the hormonal IUD and the copper IUD, function in different ways, resulting in differing advantages and disadvantages. The IUD must be inserted by a trained health care professional, and it does not prevent against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). What Is…
How to Give a Sensual Massage
A sensual massage is a massage that focuses on the partner’s erogenous zones to provide both stress relief and increased intimacy between both partners. This is a very unique activity that provides both partners with the opportunity to build intimacy and trust. Sensual massages are unique because the goal of the sensual massage is not…
Oral Sex and STIs
Oral sex is a sexual activity that uses the mouth, lips, or tongue as a way to stimulate a partner.1 There are many reasons why individuals enjoy oral sex, and it is a much more common sexual activity than people are led to believe. In fact, a statistic from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that more…